Thursday 2 November 2006

Late night, Paper clip dance

The developed world saves energy in three major ways:

1. Putting laptops, computers and Televisions on an eternal Standby.

2. Recycling (hence my multicolored foyer with bins of all shapes and sizes.....for glasses, papers and "stuff" of all shapes and sizes).

3. The most pervasive of all methods right the motion-sensitive lighting. It is this, that shall be talked upon today.

In my Office, I am usually to be found woking late. It so happens that I am plunged into a sudden and terrifying darkness every 10 mins or so if I haven't done anything "physically strenuous" enough....No, breathing and staring at my computer screen doesn't count!
Someone normal would get up and wave their hands at or near the sensor to kick start the lights but I am a believer of energy conservation. I have now hit upon a way whereby I can light up the place with minimal energy expenditure.

It involves throwing objects at or near the sensor at a carefully set angle and speed. That seems to do it. The objects I tried have, included in the past; pens, paper balls, tape rolls etc.....Nothing works quite so elegantly like my paper clips though. Just one well directed flick of the arm and voila!

The following mornings however, anyone would be treated to a truly confusing sight of clips everywhere! Profound questions might arise, like: Was it Tom Cruise testing my Infrared intruder detection system?
There's talk in the office now, of getting a Robot for me who'd walk across the lengths of the room to keep the lights switched long as I want them on!!

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