About Me

Hi! I'm Anupriya. I studied Psychology and English Literature for my first degree and read Neuroscience at the University of Oxford on the Commonwealth Scholarship. Of course just chronicling my education, profession, and passions would be a pointless indulgent exercise. Therefore in the vague hope of entertaining and hopefully educating, I'll try my best (being a management consultant in the financial services doesn't really afford me the luxury of a lot of down-time) to capture and introduce, in the next few weeks, interesting experiments, Research studies, Profiles from Developmental, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology; share my photographic accomplishments, and make a few life enriching musical recommendations. I hope you'll share my intrigue with everything I have had an opportunity to study, Research, publicise, and professionally pursue.

Please feel free to comment on anything you like/love/detest and I'll try and convince you why I agree/disagree.

You can find me on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and on my website, http://www.anupriyadwivedi.com/

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